The first encounter

Hello All,

So I have been thinking these last few days on exactly which story I wanted to share that would make you get to know my personal life a little more... what better way than to give you the story of how my beefcake husband and I came to be.....

A the tender age of 15 I met my one person in life. You all know who I am talking about. That one best friend that clicks and has never left your side. Elizabeth is my person. We met at a pretty awesome party, whiskey shots were involved my high school boyfriends, best friend brought a new girl..
Now what we aren't gonna do here ladies and gents, is pretend that you all never had a drink before you were 21....

anyway, I was pretty toasted and in walks Elizabeth we bonded over whiskey and boons farm. Match made in heaven.
Fast forward a few years, tears, and babies later.... I'm at Elizabeth's daughter birthday party (my niece). In walks this fine specimen of a man with a beautiful daughter. At this point I'm staring, maybe drooling a bit. Its a tad bit embarrassing. I pull my said person aside and try to get some dirty deets.... she flat out tells me. "That's my brother, don't even think about it"
I may or may  not have been a hussy in previous years, and this is why she withheld this information of this fine ass brother she just paraded in front of my girly bits.Understandable.

 So years pass, I stalked him on Facebook like any respecting women does. One drunken night I send a friend request. Beefcake adds me. Holy Hot balls, the man had a six pack AND could sing. I got the tingles everywhere. Still kept my distance. Few likes here, few comments there. No biggie.

Even more years pass by. Occasionally seeing him at passing parties, waving, drooling, getting the evil eye from his crazy ex.

(more years)My best friend is pregnant AGAIN YAY another girl everyone is so excited and I'm ready to get my cuddles on. I am single at this time in my life, just out of a pretty serious relationship. So my hussy was in full effect. Not ashamed to admit this.

Elizabeth has gone into labor!

 I rush up to the hospital and beefcake is there. Oh lord, cue lady bits tingling...... We start talking and laughing and joking around. I'm a pretty funny person, but beefcake known as my husband Jeremy. Hes fucking Hilarious. We end up cause such a ruckus we get kicked out of the mother damn hospital. Swear.
 From that moment on we started texting and talking and inviting but never following through with any plans to officially meet up outside of Elizabeth. Then he asks me to go to San Antonio with him while hes working. All trip paid on him. Now ladies..... I had 2 young kids who for the first time were spending a few weeks with their dads, So Elizabeth said, "it's just some summer fun. GO for it"

 BAM, green light. We are a go Houston!!! Imma get some with one of the hottest dudes I've ever known. So I start sexting it up, sending some pretty detailed text messages of what I plan to do with his body....once again don't act like y'all are nuns.

A few weeks of very detailed sexting and pictures, and recordings of him singing. Which I swear I fell in love with him through those videos of him and his guitar singing to me. The time has finally come for the trip. I'm all hopped up, shaved every nook and cranny of my body. I was practically a baby seal. Drove up there to meet him at the hotel.
I get there that afternoon around lunch and he's like just head to the room, I left you a key and I will see you tonight we will go to dinner then dancing. SCORE!
I was in pretty deep with Christian Grey at the moment and wanted to read by the pool... SO imagine this lots of weeks of sexting, a VERY sexy book, a hussy and a beefcake with abs. I was fucking ready to jump his Bologna and ride it to tomorrow.
 Jeremy gets back to the hotel, we talk for a bit. This dude, comes out of the shower with only a fucking hand towel covering his junk. Now I thought at that moment in my life I was pretty experienced. NOPE, I never really fucked with the lights on before people. The guys I was always with were my age (22-23) and I had never been with anyone who left the lights on, maybe a candle or two but not so bright that the sun was showing every bump and roll I had!!! So,in walks this veteran of orgasms in a hand towel. Full seduction in swing. I immediately go to turn off the lights. He says oh, no babes. I want to see it all. Internally I am screaming AHHHHHH.... it's fucking Christian Grey in the flesh what did I do!!! Just cause I read it doesn't mean I was ready for it.......So things start progressing, sloppy kisses start happening and I just can't get over the fact that the lights are on and that he has me spread the fuck open like he's about to do an exam.... we finish a very awkward, uncomfortable, not at all memorable worst sex ever!  I mean soooo bad LOL

So I just get up and immediately start getting ready, no eye contact just avoidance. 30 minutes go by and  we still haven't spoken ONE word to each other. I'm hundreds of miles away from home and totally humiliated. Having some very serious conversations in my head on how to approach this horrible situation. I just decided to grow a pair and walk out of the bathroom and point blank say "should I just go? That was really horrible" LOL he just looks at me and laughs. We both are now cracking up laughing and he said just go get ready and we will go out and have fun and see what happens.

So we finish getting ready and start to head out and he drops the bomb on me that we are going to eat dinner with his friends..... ummmm what? So I am like okay okay it's free food shut your whore mouth up. Thank god they were normal people and only shit talked about the age difference a bit (7years) trust me I felt the age gap while he had the lights on and exploring like christopher damn Columbus people!!!   We had a blast at dinner but went our separate ways to the club. Where I then proceed to teach him everything he knows now about half step and two step and spinning and dancing and he introduces me to lemon drop shots... It was the best time ever guys. I had never went out to a club without a group of my friends before. He blew my fucking mind. So I figure at the end of the night I'd try to see what his bologna was about one more time before I call it. Cause I don't care, call me shallow. If we cant have some decent sex it ain't happening for me. Wellllll ladies and gents, Mr. Beefcake stepped up his game biiiggggg time. A little liquid courage was all we needed to jump off  the high horse our sexting put us on and be free with our junk out. It was glorious. So glad I gave his bologna another try.

I hope you all got a laugh tonight. It's one of my favorite stories. Rising through the ashes of a horrible lay to end up married and with a beautiful family. Don't give up on your forever ladies. Until next time... xoxo


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