Demon Daughter

Hello All,

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, it has been a very hectic weekend. I am pooped.

So as I mentioned before. I have 4 beautiful babies. Riley is 10, Faith is 9, Layne is 7, and Jason is 4. To say my life is hectic would be an understatement. With a husband who works out of town, the kids, our new puppies. Working from home, its balls to the walls all the time. I barely have time to have a social life, I haven't even shit in peace in 10 years. It's a beautiful life I love.

Another side note about me, I freaking hate scary movies. Hell I even hate suspense movies. Anything that makes you jump or even yelp a little. I ain't having it. Nope, my poor husband is on his own when he wants to watch shit like that. The last scary movie I watched, was a paranormal one. I didn't sleep for 72 hours and thought every damn bump was a demon trying to take over my body and kill my family. It.was.awful. I am the biggest damn pansy you will ever meet. I literally cry and break out in hives every time a clown comes within 50 feet of me. Its serious y'all. Where am I going with this? Welllllllllll

Last week I was at home, Jeremy was at work. Only Riley and Jason were home. It was about 10 at night and they were already asleep. I was on a huge book binge. I mean throat deep in some romantic comedy, with my heater outside and my coffee and smokes. I was soul deep in Meghan Qinn.
I was about half way through the big Oh shit moment that happens in every book. I fucking ran out of cigarettes. I still had a half a cup of coffee and was pisseeeddd. So I was desperate. Then I thought, both kids are asleep, the store is literally 3 minutes down the road. This is why I bought Riley a phone. I'll be gone 6 min. I am doing it. (if you are judging me, you can suck my dick)

 So I walk upstairs to wake Riley up and let her know I'll be right back. I walk in her room and the poor thing is out like a light. Full puddle happening on her pillow. So I said Riley, Riley Riley!! She opened her eyes. I knew she wasn't fully awake or even knowing I was in the room. So I said Riley, Look at my face and wake up!!!
This little demon opens her fucking eyes as wide as they could go and cocks her scary little head to the right and sslllooowwwlllyyyy rises up and getting all up in my face.... At this point I am saying her name over and over again. Heart beating like a little humming bird. Right before her face meets mine. I did what I like to think all moms would do..... I screamed as loud as I could and palmed her face and pushed her back down on the pillow. Swear. (now you can judge)
 Riley snaps out of her demon for a second and is like what mommy?! I said why are you trying to kill me?! She said WHHHAATTTT? I said do you love me? What's your full name? LOL I was flipping the fuck out. We just moved into this new house. How am I supposed to know if some crazy went and killed a bunch of people and the whole house is infested with demon spawns.....The things running through my head wasn't pleasant. I needed some holy water and a priest STAT!  thankfully, she says yes I love you and I am Riley Runge. Y'all I am not proud of how I reacted. But fuck me. It scared the ever living piss outta me.

So I learned a very valuable lesson that night.... NEVER try to wake my 10 year old up in the middle of the night. Or her inner demon will scare the piss outta you.

No this does not mean I want to hear about y'alls scary stories. Keep that shit to yourself.


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