About Me

Hello all,
Let’s just start this off with telling you why my fantastic self decided to put her big girl panties on and put her funny self out there and start blogging, it was my husbands idea.... you see I was on a rant about rice crispy cereal. The delicious damn devil cereal. I’m trying to lose weight... oh I know trust me I’m rolling my eyes to. Anyway, the temptress box was staring at me through the pantry and I was searching deep within my soul to find some sort of flipping willpower to just say no... (side note: I didn’t say no, I embraced it ate 2 bowls) texting my husband like every wife complaining about said willpower. Instead of fueling my self loathing attack upon myself, he said “you should start a blog”.... so here I am ladies and gents. I’m here to help you laugh when the kids won’t get out of your face. The husband is being a pissy tool. The dog shit on your carpet. Or the boss fucked up your day with a pointless meeting. Let me warn you now, I have a mouth on me. Cuss like a sailor and not very religious and tend to talk bunch of shit. So if you are easily offended by crude humor or sex stories (they will be coming) or bipolar attitudes. Please stop and do not read any more.

I’m estactic you continued reading....

My name is Courtney Murphy. I’m 27 years of age feeling like I’m 40. I have 4 amazing very wild children. I work from Home, I am in sales for a logistics company for Airgroup as well as a crating and storage company called Houston Warehouse and custom crating... so if you need any of said services let me know. My bitch ass works off commission. I just got 2 amazing Australian Shepard’s. I’m loud, crazy, don’t have many friends cause I honestly don’t like to many people in this god forsaken world. I have no filter. I also read people very well. My one fabulous talent (besides pushing babies out of my vagina) is I speed read. Yes that’s right, what takes you sloths to read one book in 2 weeks takes me a few hours if it’s excellent or 2 days if I’m busy. I’m in love with my sexy of a beast husband who has muscles and can beat up your husband... 😂 my goal is to post funny things that happened in my day or in the past and hopefully bring a smile to yours. I love getting lost in my books. I hope you can get lost in my stories.

(I’m geeking out, MY FIRST POST) ahhhhhh


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