
Showing posts from 2019


Hello All, How have you beautiful bitches been? Kids are good, I am good. Job is good. YALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL real quick before my story..... Dating.... Sucks balls. SERIOUSLY. Big bull testicles. Had a few dates. Not all were horrible. It was fun, when I ventured out. I had never ever dated before. I had always been with guys, I have known my entire life. HELLLOOOO east county... LOL So I tried it, the Bumble, the FB dating app even. Met some interesting people. New friends. So after a few failed dates, and talking too men who cannot spell, and the dick pics... They all got deleted. Like how hard is the understanding of correct punctuation?& for the love of all that's holy.... TURN ON Y'ALL'S AUTO CORRECT. & don't open with a picture of your dick... unless you are workin' with 10 or more...mmkkkkkkk. So......back to my title line. Since we moved, I lost my waxing lady. So while I was googling new places. I was jolted back to a horrifying

Showing My Soul

Hello Fans, 😆😏 I know most of y’all are chomping at the fuckin heels of everyone trying to get the run down on the unfortunate demise of beefcake and I. For those fuckers who are slow, and don’t stalk me like everyone else. Beef cake and I are divorced. It’s not at dramatic as what everyone hopes for. Wellll lets just start from the beginning then huh? Have you ever had that all consuming, obsessed, all enveloping type of love. Where you live and breath and feel like you exist solely for that one soul you felt was sent to you by whatever god you believe in? That was beefcake🖤, in the start. That man rode in on his white horse and stole my very soul. No questions asked, sweeper of the heart should be his new name. We were the couple everyone loved, loud and loving and danced the fucking floors on fire. Laughing and loving and fucking our way through life. It was simply life that got in the way, the pressure of being in a blended family. The horrible feeling of keeping up w