
Showing posts from October, 2019


Hello All, How have you beautiful bitches been? Kids are good, I am good. Job is good. YALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL real quick before my story..... Dating.... Sucks balls. SERIOUSLY. Big bull testicles. Had a few dates. Not all were horrible. It was fun, when I ventured out. I had never ever dated before. I had always been with guys, I have known my entire life. HELLLOOOO east county... LOL So I tried it, the Bumble, the FB dating app even. Met some interesting people. New friends. So after a few failed dates, and talking too men who cannot spell, and the dick pics... They all got deleted. Like how hard is the understanding of correct punctuation?& for the love of all that's holy.... TURN ON Y'ALL'S AUTO CORRECT. & don't open with a picture of your dick... unless you are workin' with 10 or more...mmkkkkkkk. So......back to my title line. Since we moved, I lost my waxing lady. So while I was googling new places. I was jolted back to a horrifying