
Showing posts from November, 2018


Hello All!  How the hell are You guys?!  Let’s see..... where to start..... oh, I got a new job. I am now the parts and logistic coordinator for a company I cannot name because my shit is to vulgar and I don’t need to get fired. Just know, I love it and I fucking rock at it and everyone loves me there..... welllll not everyone lmao. Some people just don’t appreciate my organization skills. Let’s be honest my patience for incompetence has pretty much diminished. I could never ever be put in a manger position. Thank god my boss is awesome and doesn’t judge my foul language and crude humor and my judgmental having ass. LOL  Hmmmm what else.... oh I’m am of course on the never ending  carousel of being on a diet one week to saying fuck it YOLO on taco Tuesday. So I’m forever going to be on the chunky side... yasssss thank you for all the compliments on how I’m not... I’m fatter in person.  I’m still currently going strong with sexy beefcake, only wanted to murder him a handf