
Showing posts from March, 2018

F*** 2018

Hello All, Well 2018 can suck big fat fucking donkey dick. I’m so far over it and it’s only fucking March. So first before the horrid new year even started we were testing my oldest daughter in school. So any mom who has a child who is struggling in school will understand how hard it is. Every single day. Not only that but I found out riley is a big fat liar. So she no longer has a phone. Layne my beautiful tiny spitfire likes to live like a pig who’s just been fed scraps in her room... IN MY NEW HOUSE. As well as showering in filth. So she got her entire room and bathroom taken from her. Cause I’m Mom and I said so. UGGHHHHHHHHHH.... The lord is testing me lately with these children. I can’t lately. Found out Jason is literally allergic to the entire outside world.... he will be the next bubble boy. Swear. Then with all of this going on, we get a real fucking kick in the balls and my husband gets a call his brother lost his life in a very tragic car accident. A wife lost her so