
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Flu Demons

Hello All, As most of you know, I have anxiety. At least 10 times a week I've got cancer or my littles have some type of whacked out disease. Its awful. Every article I read leads me into a full blown freak out. Sometimes I can control my stupid impulses and horrid mind. Something is seriously wrong with it by the way. Well if you read any of my previous shit you've already figured that out. LOL Well anyway, my sister and husband talks me down most of the time. My poor daughters are screwed though lol My oldest freaks out as much as I do. Don't run in the parking lot or you will die! LOL swear she yelled that at her little brother. It a running joke in our family. Very small things in this house can make you die... Ya you can judge, then I'll tell you to shut the hell up. Living with severe anxiety can be crippling sometimes. Do you assholes think I want to live this way? Doesn't help that I can't even take a freaking pill to calm my shit down. I am allergic